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Since 1964, the New York Danny Lyon, then aged 22, is immersed in the culture of bikeriders, the first American bikers gang.
Five years before Easy Rider, three before Hell's Angels Hunter S.Thompson he describes the lives of these groups who have chosen to live by their own rules, anti-hero of the hippie generation.

Danny Lyon
The Civil Rights Movement, following bikers or prisoners of Texas, to the Occupy Wall Street activists in which he said "find an echo of the sixties," Danny Lyon was the precious witness of racial strife, political and social of the second half of the twentieth century. His photographs, which are part of the spirit of the "New Journalism" advocated in the Fifties by Tom Wolfe or absolute realism of his friend Robert Frank. A style in contrast to the traditional conventions.

He is currently preparing a major retrospective at the Whitney Museum in New York.



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