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VMAX 'The V-Speed'

V-Speed 1700 the Cafe Dragster by Liberty Yam 
Many of you will have noticed a significant presence of Yamaha motorcycles in these pages, the reason is not what some people think it is to form a preference over the other bikes, but only that the project Yard Built have involved many dealerships that have created significant special.

The V-Speed, opens a new route, the Café-Dragster one. Many of its pieces are one-off pieces and based on dynamic and attractive performances; half-fairing inspired by the MT-OS, aluminum loop back, carbon flasks and back, leather seat. The 2cm lowered trim, the shifter with control on the handlebar, the large rear rim and the added weight put the finishing touches to its amazing potential for accelerating. This V-Max is dedicated to Jean-Claude Olivier.

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