Cafe Racer, based at the Royal Enfield Continental GT motorcycle c single-cylinder four-stroke engine of 500 cubes by Melnitsky Motors
The idea was inspired by a motorcycle Polynesian ethnic motifs. His wild animal spirit of the best kind of airbrush passes from Yury Sokolov from YourLife Airbrushing, which are mixed muzzle fearsome creatures and tattoos in the style of New Zealand tribe of cannibals - Maori
So, we are not introduced into the engine and the basic engineering of motorcycle components, it does not become stronger or faster. But we changed it to make it look better and more interesting:
we threw out all unnecessary, and to visually and physically relieve motorcycle battery relocated under the tail cafe racer;
based on my sketches created from scratch the tank, tail, front fairing and front fender motorcycle;
in an exclusive integrated tail light devices that implement the basic idea of the tail - an imitation of the muzzle a certain predatory creatures from among the cat;
specially ordered twin headlights ousted his predecessor, one-eyed staff, and hold them, we commissioned two new custom brackets;
front fairing purchased two carnivorous canines as turn signals;
welded frame again so that its geometry is emphasized lines of the new tank, served as their natural extension;
of steel tubes welded surprisingly delicate and easy to view swingarm;
we said goodbye to two full-time shock absorbers and replaced them with one more powerful YSS;
we borrowed from Ducati muffler HP Corse, and at K & M - the oil and air filters, and then the whole company is sitting comfortably on the pipes, artfully welded using special equipment and unique technology Kramar Custom;
mounted on the frame for removal of footrests, which, together with staggered down kliponami provides the pilot landed exclusively sports;
klipony cafe racer took its rightful place - at the top of the beam and it earned the right to wear a mirror tuned, detailed down to absolutely everything match the style;
the reference point of the pilot still has found himself adventure and now the ride is to forget about the comfort and prepare for a tough test on the seat, manufactured master of leather and sewing machine Singer Mikhail Ivanov (Furia Sewing Company) from the excellent natural leather appliqué, imitating feathers;
To complete the picture, emphasizes the sporty character of the motorcycle longitudinal red line from bow to stern and demonic black and red coloring of almost everything else, there was to be painted - the frame, the pendulum, footrests, Traverse, feathers and much more;
metalwork and electrics carried out in the workshop Kramar-custom;
even at our request, Yuri Sokolov Yourlife Airbrushing Lazer helmet painted in the color of the device;
and the photos did the photographer Alexey Sulima.